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Navigating the future of food

Greenfood Insights

The food industry is constantly changing – in the age of green transition, digitalization and rapid trends. With Greenfood Insights, we explore this development, one topic at a time.

We take a closer look at major changes in our eating habits, how food is produced and developments in the industry, but also take inspiration from remarkable pilot projects that can guide us in making the big decisions.

After all, food is an essential part of society, and the trends that shape our eating habits often reflect a wider context.

trend report foodtech front page

Crunching the numbers: The state of foodtech

Robots in the fields, food waste transformed into resources, and insects on our plates – the foodtech revolution is here. But with investments in the sector dropping dramatically, what does the future hold? Greenfood Insights delves into the state of foodtech, uncovering the trends, challenges, and innovations shaping tomorrow's food systems.

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How non-radical vegan food made kids in Sweden go plant-based overnight

How can a Swedish food nudge inspire more people to choose plant-based food? Explore the pilot project that has generated 772,000 vegetarian portions, and inspired thousands of students to cut out meat for lunch. The insights are crucial to anyone who wants to endorse a green nudge. So what does it take to get the new generation to go plant-based? The answer is street food, and no bullshit.

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The 20’s - a new era for food-to-go

Looking at the new decade ahead of us, we can see that the food-to-go category will continue to grow, despite the effects of the pandemic. Why? The pandemic may have changed consumer habits, but even during these turbulent times, convenience such as click & collect, home delivery and food-to-go items are still in high demand. Consumers still want ultraconvenience: easy to find, mobile, mouth-watering and green.

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