- Net sales for the quarter totaled SEK 1,381.4 million (1,302.2) an increase of 6.1 percent or SEK 79.2 million. Picadeli grew with SEK 85.8 million and Food Solutions with 25.2 million, while Fresh Produce had sales SEK 31.5 million lower than same quarter last year.
- Adjusted EBITDA increased with 20.7 percent to SEK 106.8 million (88.5) mainly driven by growth at Picadeli. This marks the highest quarterly adjusted EBITDA in Greenfood’s history.
- Operating profit/loss amounted to SEK 20.4 million (22.0), consistent with previous year's performance.
- Group net result amounted to SEK -46.9 million (-14.8). Out of the result in the quarter, SEK -6.1 million came from un-established operations and SEK -27.2 million from non-recurring items (NRI).
- Cash flow from operations amounted to SEK -40.1 million, mainly due to a negative change in net working capital.
The full report is available at https://greenfood.se/reports-and-presentations